Gaming Is Not Just about the Game, It’s Also about the Community


Gaming Is Not Just about the Game, It’s Also about the Community

Remember when we used to play games in button phones? There was snake game, ball game, some racing type games and some other types of games. We used to be fascinated by those games but how long? At a certain point, we felt bored, right? But now sometimes we play some game for hours. Is it just because of the game? It’s also about the community or the people we play the game with. Yes, some professional gamers grind in the game to develop their gaming skills but let’s count them as exception for now. Gaming is not just some time pass activity. Recently, I have moved to a new town for study purposes and I miss my old friends from my hometown. But at night after all the academic pressure, when they call me and say,” I’m logging in.” then I just say one thing, “Coming.” I open my discord and have a nice time laughing and talking about my whole day while playing games. It may sound silly but I made some good friends on a game and our bonding is great. Sometimes, I think how can I have depression when I have a great method of relieving my stress. Keeping aside my friends, there are many players in a gaming community and among them some have good manners and some have bad. Some abuse in the chat when the lose and some respect other’s gaming skills. Again, there are many gaming community groups where they post many memes and fun facts about the game and those make the player of the game laugh. Gaming is not just about playing the game or following the mechanisms of it all of these are related to it. Gaming is an activity though for someone it’s a time pass and for other’s it is an emotion…  


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