
Did you see the movie ‘The
Flash’ lately? What was your honest opinion? After watching the movie I thought
I would have rather slept 3 hours than watching the movie. (Spoiler alert)How
can Supergirl die with a knife in her chest in every universe? Has everyone
forget about the power of Superman, the man of steel. Before marvel the
superheroes we knew are Super man, Batman, Green lantern etc. They are emotions
for us as we grew up seeing them but DC isn’t living up to the mark as they are
making these movies which makes no sense. And I think dc has some personal
issues with the flash. Has Anyone seen “The Flash” series? If you saw that you
know how powerful and intelligent Flash can be. But in the movie everyone
treats him like a loser and he himself acts like a total fool. Now I’ve started
to think scarlet’s witch’s brother form “Avengers:age of Ultron” was a cool
speedstar than the one from the movie. The movie would be a masterpiece if it
was directed by Zack Snyder himself with his own hands. At least, it would have
made some sense. Personally, I prefer Grant Gusting than Erza Miller for the role
of Barry Allen who is the flash.

Rather than The Flash DC also has given
some flops like “Black Adam”,”Shazam! The Fury of Gods”,”Blue Bettle.” ‘Blue Beetle’ is set
to become the latest DC flop because it is still facing competition from
‘Barbie’ and ‘Oppenheimer’ one month after the release of those films. On top
of that, people are not inclined to watch a movie that has characters with
futures that are unsure in James Gunn’s DCU.
Arguably, the biggest reason why the DCEU movies have been failing
is the fact that there is no clear future for the characters of these movies.
There is no reason for fans to get invested in films that aren’t even going to
have any sort of continuity whatsoever. We’ve seen DC doing some awesome
things. Maybe I’m just venting my feelings here but is dc living up to it’s
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